FUE – Follicular Unit Extraction

Follicular unit extraction, or FUE, is a technique where the naturally occurring follicular groupings, called follicular units, are surgically removed or “extracted” using a very tiny punch, typically around 1 mm or less in diameter. The advantage of this technique is that follicular unit grafts can be individually harvested without a linear surgical incision, and hence without the creation of a linear scar. FUE is especially useful for patients who prefer very short hairstyles (e.g. hair length less than a ½ inch), where a linear scar would be visible.

In our practice we utilize a variety of state-of-the-art FUE systems, depending on individual patient parameters; these include the Harris S.A.F.E. System, the Cole Vortex Dissection Device, the Devroye WAW FUE System, various manual extraction devices and a host of different punch designs and sizes.

The below macro photographs show the naturally occurring follicular groupings, or follicular units (upper left), and an FUE punch in alignment with a follicular unit during the FUE scoring process (upper right). The lower macro photograph shows a four follicle FUE graft containing a tiny telogen follicle on the right side of the graft.

Naturally Occuring Follicular Groupings / Units

Follicular Unit Extraction

Over the past several years, there have been numerous innovations in Follicular Unit Extraction technology, which have increased the efficiency and efficacy of this technique; allowing physicians to obtain higher quality follicular unit grafts in a shorter period of time. The present technology is in a state of active evolution, where new and better options are being continually added.

Extracted Follicular Unit

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